Your Body is Talking. Are you Listening?
Your body contains more wisdom than any study or diet. We are all in pursuit of happier, healthier, more fulfilled versions of ourselves. This is the main reason we exercise and try to eat the best we can. But in a world with so many differing, often contradictory nutritional theories, deciding what to eat and drink can be a puzzle even to the most nutritionally savvy.
I believe that all these nutritional theories have caused more damage than good because we’ve lost the most simple and basic method of understanding how we should be eating – listening to our bodies.
The body speaks a certain language. It gives subtle cues which, if you are paying attention, can be used as a means of discovering what you need to be a healthier version of you. So often these cues and clues are mistaken as erroneous reactions of the body: “I just get headaches.” But if you pay close attention to the context of your symptoms, you can see that the body is not acting randomly or meaninglessly at all.
Your body is sending you valuable messages,
and if you listen, you can fix it.
Paying Attention to Symptoms
Symptoms are messages from the body about its condition and function. One condition might give rise to a variety of different symptoms, or different conditions may cause similar symptoms.
Sometimes how your body’s reacting to foods is obvious and these foods are then easy to eliminate. Often, though, your body reacts in much more subtle ways. In the days when we actually lived off the land, figuring out what caused our bodies subtle distresses was much easier because were not eating the huge variety of food we eat today.
Food triggers are also different for everyone. We are all biochemical individuals with a unique microbiome. What works for some doesn’t work for others. This is why some thrive on certain diets which make others feel awful. One man’s pleasure is another’s poison.
Once we manage the major triggers (environmental toxins, diet, stress, etc.) that have a big impact on us, we can begin fine-tuning. This process takes much longer and is lot more difficult.
Commonly Ignored Symptoms
After eating a particular food, adding or eliminating a supplement, or engaging in a new activity like exercise, pay attention to:
- Aches, pains, or general discomfort.
- Headaches and migraines.
- Changes in mood: Do you feel more or less irritated? Do you feel more depressed or anxious?
- Changes in skin: Is your skin more clear or are you breaking out? Is it more irritated? Rosier? Drier?
- Changes in sleep: Are you falling asleep easier? Are you sleeping through the night? Do you feel rested when you wake up?
- Energy levels: Do you feel tired during certain points of day? Do you feel energized during your activities? Do you crave a nap?
- Elimination: How often do you have bowel movements? Are you stools compact, firm, or loose? Is you urine clear or cloudy? Elimination is the most important thing to monitor.
Figuring it out
Keep in mind that figuring out what works for you and doesn’t is a process. Adjustments will need to be made throughout your lifetime. What once worked in the past may no longer work for you now or down the road (especially because your microbiome changes). However, if you’ve been working on improving your gut health, you will may be able to reintroduce foods.
It is also important to note that just because something does work well, doesn’t mean you should be eating a tonne of it. You might digest butter just fine, but you still shouldn’t eat a block of it!
In my individual consultations, I give you the tools and techniques that help guide you towards listening to your body better.