Your Body is Talking. Are you Listening?

Your body contains more wisdom than any study or diet. We are all in pursuit of happier, healthier, more fulfilled versions of ourselves. This is the main reason we exercise…

Blueberry Banana Gluten-Free Muffins

These gluten-free muffins are quick and easy to make. They are made using almond flour which you can find in most health food stores or the health food section of…

Delightful Dandelion Fritters

I love seeing lawns and fields filled with dandelions. They bring such vibrancy after a long, dreary winter. And…they are an amazing spring food. In fact all parts of the…

Garlic Mustard Pesto

Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is one of the earliest spring edibles that starts bolting up as soon as the snow melts. Now considered invasive in many parts of North America,…

Fermented Foods, Depression, and Anxiety

It is possible for us eat drink and be merry (literally)? It depends on what we eat and drink. Research looking at diet shows that those consuming a traditional diet,…